Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hello from Planet Canberra

Who'd want to be an Australian voter? First the Liberal Party enhances it's small government credentials with 300 pages of regulations to help make employment laws simpler. Not to be outdone, the Labor opposition decide to ban Internet porn.

The Internet porn ban is an old, and easy target, who doesn't want to protect the children from the pornographers of the net? The Liberals toyed with this idea some years back and, finding it too difficult, decided to setup the Net Alert and strong armed the ISPs into the "Ladybird" program. Both are good, if under publicised, services with useful resources.

Kim Beazley's dopey proposal has all the hallmarks of an "idea" where the only thought involved was to get the attention of the morning radio talk shows. For this proposal to work it requires the Australian Broadcasting Authority and to licence the international Internet gateways. This would only cost a few hundred million, another hundred or so public servant and few more phone books of regulations.

Of course, when it comes to issuing phone books of regulations Kim and his gang of aging factional warriors have nothing on the current mob holding the keys to the ministerial dunnies. The Liberals have announced another telephone book of regulations to help "guide" us through the maze of their new workplace laws, all of which can be changed on the whim of the minister. I guess we small business owners should be thankful the low taxing, red tape cutting, small business friendly Liberals are in power.