Wednesday, April 19, 2006

180 Solutions and kiddy porn

If one didn't need any more evidence of just how bad the spyware problem has become, Suzi Turner describes how 180 Solutions' Zango spyware affiliate is hijacking browsers to kiddy porn sites.

The really irritating thing about 180 Solutions is that it is an incorporated US business. It isn't a shadowy crime syndicate, pimply script kiddy or third world scammer, it has offices and managers sitting in Seattle. They even have private equity investors prepared to invest $40 million US dollars into their business.

On the surface of it, you can't blame the investors. An article by Washington Post's Brian Krebs claimed that 180 Solutions is making a million dollars a week peddling this stuff. There sure is profit in convincing users to install advertising software on their systems.

The problem is that most users aren't convinced: They are duped, they have no idea this muck is being installed on their systems. While 180 Solutions can claim this is just the behaviour of a few rogue affiliates, those of us who have to deal with cleaning it up know it is not the case.

180 Solutions and other spyware peddlers are creating great damage and offense with their use of this software. Hijacking consumers products with pornography and false advertising wouldn't tolerated in any other field and it shouldn't be tolerated in personal computing. It needs to be stopped.

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