Friday, April 28, 2006

Google Schmooogle?

Sensis Head, Bruce Akhurst, claims "We're not attempting to be a Google". Well that puts him at odds with his boss, who reckoned the Sensis Search was going to leave Google irrelevant in the local market. It should be noted though that Bruce was backpedalling on Sol's bragging almost straight away, as was reported on the ABC the night Sol said it.

As a Telstra shareholder, I'm disappointed they aren't planning to spin Sensis off. It might just be that Sensis is at the peak of it's power: Google are dominating the search engine market, News Corp and Craigslist introducing their own local searches and Sensis' investments in Trading Post, Kaz and Invizage not doing so well. Perhaps Sol should have taken the money six months ago.

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