Friday, April 21, 2006

Nightlife computers: Spam or filtering

One thing I try to do with upcoming radio spots is to tie up early what the topic will be. The producers and presenters have a hard enough job without having to make up topics on the fly. Also, being well prepared means I've checked my facts so I'm less likely to make an idiot of myself on air.

Sometimes it comes undone. This week is an example. I thought we'd tied up Internet filtering as being the topic, but the Thursday night promo talked about spam. So now I'm confused about what we'll be talking about.

It will be a shame if we don't go the Internet filtering as I've spent a lot of time on it. On the other hand, spam is an issue we haven't looked at closely for over two years, so we're due to revisit it.

The other topics we'll be looking at is growling at MS about their patch SNAFU, Boot Camp, the Mozilla update and Spam Act. It's going to be a busy night.

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