Monday, April 02, 2007

Doing business on eBay

The Sydney Morning Herald's small business blog discusses using eBay to source business supplies. I have to say this idea is flawed to say the least. The time involved, delivery and risk doesn't really make ebay worthwhile as a feasible source.

As ever, the comments are amusing. I really enjoy those boasting about their eBay businesses. These folk don't get it.

Valerie's assistant bought on eBay because the price was ridiculously cheap. That's the typical reason people buy on eBay.

If you want to get stuck in a business with stupid, if any, margins then eBay's the place for you.

I'm beginning to wonder about the wisdom of this small business blog. Valerie Khoo doesn't seem to understand the biggest problem for her and all other small business owners is time. There simply aren't enough hours in the day.

Small business owners can't afford to waste this precious asset on surfing Google for computer advice or lurking on eBay trying to scoop up "bargains".

One of the thing experienced small business owners like me have learned is it's critical to find good suppliers. We simply don't have time to tune our own cars or prepare our own accounts and even if we did have the time, we wouldn't do a good job because we don't know what we are doing.

Valerie should stick to what she and her staff do best. That's what earns her money and keeps her staff in a job.

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