Monday, June 18, 2007

Dell listen and admit mistakes!

The Direct2Dell blog is an good insight into the workings and thinking of Dell. So today's blog entry about the mistakes Dell have made with trying to close down a consumerist story is a very interesting read.

Dell clearly made a mistake by letting their lawyers send off a take down demand without supervision. Experience shows take down demands only draw attention to the message. In my view, every lawyers letter should be checked by relevant managers who should ask "how does this demand help the business".

That said, the blog is a good apology for it and an interesting look at Dell's thinking and strategy.

The original consumerist article came about because Dell have too many channels offering too many products. So it's not a surprise a canny buyer can exploit loopholes and inconsistencies to get a better deal.

Dell's current set up just confuses customers. I have to say I'm often confused when I visit their website. So the point made in the Direct2Dell blog entry that small business products will be different to their Home and Home Office offerings is important.

I'd actually like to see them drop the "Home and Home Office" label, put the home office products in with small business and offer systems purely for home.

One of the banes of my life are home business owners who allow their home office computer to be used as a home computer by the kids. We need to get the message out to those who work from home that letting the kids use your business computer is as dumb as letting the kids drive your car.

It's good to see, though that Dell are listening. You just hope they won't let their legal counsel to go off half-cocked in future.

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