Monday, October 22, 2007

2Clix appoints administrators

Stan Beer at IT Wire reports software company 2Clix, notorious for suing the Whirlpool website, has gone under.

It's sad to hear of any company folding. As a business owner myself I appreciate just how hard it is to keep a business running, particularly in the technology sector.

But you can't help but think the management bought negative karma down upon themselves with their legal stunt. What's worse, Stan Beer or myself probably wouldn't have noticed their problems had they not served writs.

The big problem for 2Clix customers is what happens to their data. Given the application locks the data away, 2Clix users are at the mercy of the administrators and any buyers of the package.

This is another reason why we urge business not to go near software that locks data away. Make sure any system you buy has an open backup utility and has an export to CSV function.

Your data is your businesses' greatest asset. You need to protect it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Regarding locked or time-bombed data: I've just finished doing a job for a former 2clix client who needed their data exported to a usable format. (The 2clix support people I spoke to insisted they were unable to help.)

Although took a lot of time & effort & additional software to make it happen, exporting the data to another db (SqlServer) IS possible.
