Sunday, September 09, 2007

Small business IT mistake 7: Choosing the wrong Internet plan

It's not surprising many people get their Internet plans wrong. The range of plans and options are massive and deliberately confusing. Researching ISP deals leaves even the most switched on tech with a headache.

The simplest advice for small business owners is to invest in a proper, business grade Internet plan. This cuts out the noise of the consumer plans.

The vast majority of Internet plans are designed for home users. Like IT equipment, this means they are pitched at a price, which in Australia is around $30 a month for an entry level plan.

That price means you won't get a lot of features that businesses need; a fixed IP address, multiple email accounts, reliable service and a support line that doesn't hang up when you tell them you have a router and server.

You should work with your IT consultant to find a business Internet provider. It's also worthwhile exploring references from other businesses. As with other IT fields, word of mouth is always a good way to find suppliers.

Some services will include website hosting and other features. I prefer to have websites hosted by specialist hosting companies as my experience is ISPs don't do it particularly well. But many small businesses prefer the simplicity of one point of contact and one bill.

A decent small business ISP plan is going to cost between $60 and $100 a month. This is money well spent for reliable service and the additional features and support small businesses need.

You should work with your IT consultant to find a business Internet provider. It's also worthwhile exploring references from other businesses. Word of mouth is always a good way to find suppliers.

Some services will include website hosting and other features. I prefer to have websites hosted by specialist hosting companies as my experience is ISPs don't do it particularly well. But many small businesses prefer the simplicity of one point of contact and one bill.

A decent small business ISP plan is going to cost between $60 and $100 a month. This is money well spent for reliable service and the additional features and support small businesses need.

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